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What are the benefits of composable architecture?

Author: Stuart Hobbs, Liam Springate-Jones
Date: 15/02/23

What are the benefits of composable architecture?

Digital transformation has been a persistent trend in the last few years and promises to be one in years to come – as evidenced in UNLIMITED’s CMO Barometer 2023 report, where 91% of the CMOs surveyed ranked digital transformation a top priority.Due to rapid technological shifts, many businesses have changed the way they operate and structure their teams. Composable architecture has the power to transform any business through its flexibility, efficiency, and speed of innovation.   

In a competitive market, many enterprise-scale organisations are turning their attention to composable functions to overcome different challenges and increase agility. Composable architecture allows businesses to work at scale, serving as a library for building applications. It’s a key part of today’s biggest digital transformations. Read on as we discuss the benefits of composability. 

What is composable architecture? 

Composable architecture refers to the design pattern that allows developers to build scalable and testable applications. It’s a framework of modular components where microservices are connected via APIs to create a technology stack designed to meet the needs of the business.It’s a flexible and powerful approach to designing software systems that allows organisations to:  

  • Enhance their technology platforms and build high-performing and maintainable software.    

  • Bring products and experiences to the market at a much faster rate.    

  • Reduce costs, speed up delivery and creation times, as well as boosting flexibility. 

Ultimately, composable architecture is an ecosystem of independent components that allows for better customer experiences, scalability, and digital commerce solutions.  

Omnichannel search 

One of the core reasons businesses need to embrace composable architecture is that it creates a foundation for an omnichannel marketing approach. In today’s market, customers want to connect with your brand through multiple channels and at different stages of the buyer’s journey. The flexible nature of composable architecture means businesses can add new channels to the ecosystem and prioritise different digital transformation initiatives.  

Composability is one of the key drivers of the omnichannel experience, which helps brands reach new customers, drive greater awareness and sales. The most in-demand companies are delivering content and product offerings across multiple channels, creating a holistic experience. Composable architecture supports this seamless delivery using best-in-class solutions. 

An agile system 

Composable architecture allows businesses to be more agile compared to traditional infrastructures. It uses advanced software automation to detect and solve problems. Composable architecture is also a continuously evolving system that facilitates the faster release of services and updates – which can help businesses deliver more powerful and richer digital experiences, increasing performance and conversions. With composable architecture, businesses can easily share workloads between different data centres, and systems can swiftly be repurposed and reused for existing components.  

Stronger security and efficiency 

Not only does composability establish greater cohesion and efficiency, but it also offers stronger security and makes your system easier to use. Each piece of technology within a composable framework can operate independently, so if one element is ever compromised, it will not have any effect on the others. Instead, you can isolate the risk and disavow it from your system, a process which makes composable architecture an easy way to safeguard any important records or user data.For businesses to continually grow, security is essential so the organisation can protect its technology and assets associated with it.

Are you looking to grow your platform?  

At Splendid UNLIMITED, we’re an expert experience design and development agency, and we work with a range of tech partners, such as Contentful, to deliver quality experiences for our clients. For example, we worked with Contentful to create multi-site solutions for the BMW/Mini retailer digital platform and increased test drives by 47%, showing the sheer power of composability.

We understand the demands of producing and managing digital content, so our team is well-positioned to support you. For further information on the power of composable content platforms, get in touch with Stuart Hobbs, Splendid’s New Business Director.