Thought Piece | Digital Transformation

What are the benefits of serverless architecture?

Author: Liam Springate-Jones
Date: 02/06/23

What are the benefits of serverless architecture?

Serverless architecture is the evolution of cloud platforms that allow developers to build and run services without having to manage the infrastructure and deploy code. It allows companies to break down applications into smaller parts, which helps drive better observability across the application. With serverless, whole backend systems can be managed in the cloud and it’s also event-based, which means each part of the application is independent. Here are a few of the key benefits of serverless architecture:

  • Agility: The modular aspect of serverless makes it easier for businesses to adapt to unforeseen changes in the market and invest in key areas that enable them to remain competitive. A serverless approach paves the way for an agile business and facilitates adaptability.

  • Scalability: With serverless architecture, applications are automatically more scalable with more flexibility, reduce costs and quicker time to release. Serverless architecture can help create quality, high-performing applications in a much more streamlined way.

  • Faster deployment: Serverless architecture promises faster deployment because developers will be able to build applications in the cloud. Compared to traditional data-based operations, serverless architecture allows for much more efficient deployment which can pave the way for stronger business results.

Despite the simplicity and reliability of serverless architecture, there are still some disadvantages, such as limited control because the vendor manages the cloud services. There’s also the question of quality control due to the lack of backend visibility. However, serverless architecture is an excellent option for businesses that want to scale quickly and create engaging, digital experiences that allow for multimedia processing.

If you’d like to find out more about serverless architecture, have a read of our gold tier partner, Contentful’s blog article which explores the topic in greater detail.